Saturday, December 31, 2011

There's an App for that..

Being that I have a smart phone, I thought it only seemed fitting that I downloaded a Blogger application. You all know that I am constantly on the go, so why not blog on the go?

So here it goes. The beginning of something new. As Kathy (my lovely roomie) and I are watching previews in the theatre preparing to see New Years Eve, I am taking two minutes to blog. Sweatpants and all we braved the two blocks it takes to get here, loaded up on cold meds, forked over the wopping $13 to see the movie. We are those girls.

Until my next two minutes of freedom.


Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.2

Friday, December 30, 2011

full heart

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.2

New Years Resolution

The amount of blogs that I have started and stopped is simply unacceptable.  I would be lying if I told you it didn't just take me 20 minutes to figure out how to log onto my latest Blogger.  Finally, after a series of setting and resetting passwords I am back on, and for good. 

I could try to sum up the last 5 months I've been incognito, but honestly it is just not feasible.  So much has happened. I also am feeling the massive cold that I seemingly caught from my dad, so typing a novel will not be happening tonight.  But as I was searching for this blog,  I happened to come across my blog from last year.  So about an hour later and maybe a tear or two I had finished reading about my year.  So many emotions, but mainly thankful that I had written down my experiences.  Read for yourself:

For my future sanity I am determined to keep this blog running, and consistant. Come what may I want to be able to look back at everything and remember what living feels like.  For we truly only have one life to live.